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No coding experience is needed to take this course. Learners will learn to solve complicated problems by using the programming skills and tools taught. After completing this course, learners will be prepared for designing, coding, and debugging Java computer programs.
Self-Study Course Includes:
Books: a $75 value
Videos: a $250 value
Practice Test by MeasureUp: a $100 value
With CertPREP, you get all this and
more for just $199.00. Get started today!
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Java Fundamentals
Skill 1.1: Describe the use of main in a Java application
Skill 1.2: Perform basic input and output using standard packages
Skill 1.3: Evaluate the scope of a variable
Skill 1.4: Comment and document programs
Lesson 2: Data Types, Variables, and Expressions
Skill 2.1: Declare and use primitive data type variables
Skill 2.2: Construct and evaluate code that manipulates strings
Skill 2.3: Construct and evaluate code that creates, iterates, and manipulates arrays and array lists
Skill 2.4: Construct and evaluate code that performs parsing, casting, and conversion
Skill 2.5: Construct and evaluate arithmetic expressions
Lesson 3: Flow Control Implementation
Skill 3.1: Construct and evaluate code that uses branching statements
Skill 3.2: Construct and evaluate code that uses loops
Lesson 4: Object-Oriented Programming
Skill 4.1: Construct and evaluate class definitions
Skill 4.2: Declare, implement, and access data members in classes
Skill 4.3: Declare, implement, and access methods
Skill 4.4: Instantiate and use class objects in programs
Lesson 5: Code Compilation and Debugging
Skill 5.1: Troubleshoot syntax errors, logic errors, and runtime errors
Skill 5.2: Implement exception handling